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[NTX]∎ Libro Free A Malevolent Menace Mad River Mystery Series Book 2 edition by Constance Barker Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

A Malevolent Menace Mad River Mystery Series Book 2 edition by Constance Barker Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

Download As PDF : A Malevolent Menace Mad River Mystery Series Book 2 edition by Constance Barker Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

Download PDF A Malevolent Menace Mad River Mystery Series Book 2  edition by Constance Barker Mystery Thriller  Suspense eBooks

Be very Afraid when the Ghosts are Spooked!

When Shelby's sister Harriet isn't acting herself and the ghosts of Mad River Old Town are in hiding, she knows something isn't quite right. Follow that with two inquisitive strangers, Shelby's in the fight for her sister's life.

Just in time for Halloween! Join Shelby along with the ghosts of Mad River as they tackle an evil entity set to take over someone's body and soul.

A Malevolent Menace Mad River Mystery Series Book 2 edition by Constance Barker Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

The major thing that's wrong with the book is the lack of editing; however, the other thing that's wrong, not really a minor error, is that the plot is somewhat scattered. There are places where a scene is repeated (not verbatim, but as if it was a new scene), so that it seems to be a different period of time until it becomes obvious that it isn't.

There are sections that really don't make sense, making it difficult to stay in the story. For instance, 'Her face instantly brightened again. "Hi!" But then something crossed her face, a flitter of uneasiness that in turn made my own stomach clench up.' Or 'The door cracked open, and I could hear Violet opening two or three different other locks in place as she pulled it wide open, coughing into her hand.' And 'Why had I never knew this about her?' Also, 'It was almost felt like a warning, telling us not to go any further. It was absolutely terrifying, knowing what lie ahead.' I'd say that at least half of all the paragraphs had the same sort of odd statements.

There are several typos and inappropriate words or phrases, and the story as a whole doesn't really hang together. I've read lots of stories in which the heroine speaks to ghosts, but it really seemed as if there was no point in having her communicate with them; they didn't seem to want to help her, which should have been the whole point of a story about ghosts.

And the antagonist, an ancient witch who is supposedly the "malevolent menace" of the title, seems to be a nice young college girl until the ghosts bring the heroine to her, and even then she is easily outfoxed and overcome by a middle-aged man, a young woman and four ghosts. There seems to be very little real tension; they get to the place where they think the witch is and when they see her, she simply tries to provoke them. It was very predictable, and certainly in no way memorable.

Product details

  • File Size 1645 KB
  • Print Length 102 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Barking Mad Books (October 22, 2016)
  • Publication Date October 22, 2016
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read A Malevolent Menace Mad River Mystery Series Book 2  edition by Constance Barker Mystery Thriller  Suspense eBooks

Tags : A Malevolent Menace (Mad River Mystery Series Book 2) - Kindle edition by Constance Barker. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading A Malevolent Menace (Mad River Mystery Series Book 2).,ebook,Constance Barker,A Malevolent Menace (Mad River Mystery Series Book 2),Barking Mad Books,FICTION Mystery & Detective Cozy,FICTION Occult & Supernatural
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A Malevolent Menace Mad River Mystery Series Book 2 edition by Constance Barker Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks Reviews

Shelby's sister disappears and two visitors show up in Old Town while the Sharps (the owners) are off on vacation. It isn't tourist season in West Virginia, so why are there visitors? What the heck has happened to Harriet? And the ghosts who are like family to Shelby are all staying away from her-not offering help or even conversation! Whatever shady business is going on, Shelby is totally on her own this time! Well except she does get some help from Nick, her boyfriend and police officer. But it boils down to Shelby trying to find her sister alone, and eventually with some unexpected help.

This is a spooky mystery about Mad River Old Town, and this time because of a witch-not ghosts! Reading this right before Halloween may have added to the spooky factor, but I thought it was a good mystery that sent some shivers up my spine!
This was a really suspenseful book. It kept you guessing all the way thru. More insight into shelbys life with her sister and some new people in town. Dont want to spoil it but s great continuation of the series..cant wait for the next one
This book had me from the beginning . When Shelby's sister Harriet disappears and none of Shelby's spirit friends come to help Shelby in the search for Harriet you become concerned that maybe Shelby has lost her gift. But that's only the beginning of a Great story. Loved this book from beginning. Looking forward to next book!!!
fun read , not deep but humorous
Good read for Halloween. Kinda scary, keeps you turning the pages.
I look forward to each addition to this series. I love watching
Shelby and how she grows with each adventure. This story kept me reading until I finished the book, I couldn't stop until I knew if Shelby found her sister or not .
Great story, full of adventure and colorful characters. Looking forward to the next one.
I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily chose to review. This book was better put together than the first of this series that I first reviewed. The plot was easier to follow and a direction to the story better implemented. The story held its shape as the end neared. While character development improved and is progress, it needs to become a strength to make this cozy series become stronger. The proofing of the manuscript, however, needs to vitally step up by giant leaps. Simple words and misspellings are too numerous to ignore. These flaws hold the improvements back, thereby rating a between a 2.5 to 3.0. My honest assessment after careful thought.
The major thing that's wrong with the book is the lack of editing; however, the other thing that's wrong, not really a minor error, is that the plot is somewhat scattered. There are places where a scene is repeated (not verbatim, but as if it was a new scene), so that it seems to be a different period of time until it becomes obvious that it isn't.

There are sections that really don't make sense, making it difficult to stay in the story. For instance, 'Her face instantly brightened again. "Hi!" But then something crossed her face, a flitter of uneasiness that in turn made my own stomach clench up.' Or 'The door cracked open, and I could hear Violet opening two or three different other locks in place as she pulled it wide open, coughing into her hand.' And 'Why had I never knew this about her?' Also, 'It was almost felt like a warning, telling us not to go any further. It was absolutely terrifying, knowing what lie ahead.' I'd say that at least half of all the paragraphs had the same sort of odd statements.

There are several typos and inappropriate words or phrases, and the story as a whole doesn't really hang together. I've read lots of stories in which the heroine speaks to ghosts, but it really seemed as if there was no point in having her communicate with them; they didn't seem to want to help her, which should have been the whole point of a story about ghosts.

And the antagonist, an ancient witch who is supposedly the "malevolent menace" of the title, seems to be a nice young college girl until the ghosts bring the heroine to her, and even then she is easily outfoxed and overcome by a middle-aged man, a young woman and four ghosts. There seems to be very little real tension; they get to the place where they think the witch is and when they see her, she simply tries to provoke them. It was very predictable, and certainly in no way memorable.
Ebook PDF A Malevolent Menace Mad River Mystery Series Book 2  edition by Constance Barker Mystery Thriller  Suspense eBooks

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